Monday, March 22, 2010

Asthma facts.

Asthma is a potentially deadly condition that affects millions of people. If you are uncertain about any symptoms and you think they may be related to asthma, you should not take any chances. See a doctor right away to be certain. You, like so many others, may have asthma and not be aware of it.

While some people are born with it, many develop asthma later in life. There are some early warning signs you can watch for, to see if you might be developing asthma. And while it does not affect everyone the same way, there are some symptoms of asthma that are considered to be typical, while others are a bit more unusual.

The early warning signs include things like a persistent cough, especially one that tends to occur at night. You may also experience shortness of breath which may come on suddenly, possibly even after only mild exertion. Additionally, any audible wheezing or whistling or coughing after exercise could be a sign.

One of the least noticeable of the early warning signs, however, may be a general feeling of fatigue. If you find yourself having trouble sleeping, or waking up not feeling rested, this could be a sign of asthma. This may also manifest itself as a persistent feeling of irritability.

Typical asthma symptoms tend to be similar to those early warning signs, but you will probably notice they are chronic or persistent. This would include coughing or wheezing, whether after exercise or not, as well as shortness of breath. You may feel a tightness in your chest which could be painful or simply feel like pressure.

The less common symptoms are things you may otherwise overlook if you are not paying attention, so be sure you don't miss these in either yourself or someone else. This would include things such as frequently sighing or yawning, which is a sign that your body is trying to get more oxygen.

Feeling anxious for no apparent reason or having difficulty concentrating could also be symptoms since these can be caused by a lack of sufficient oxygen getting to your brain. And if you have a persistent cough throughout the day or at a particular time during the day, but it is not accompanied by wheezing, this could also be a sign.

Be sure you are on the lookout for these symptoms in yourself as well as the people around you. Catching the early warning signs can help a person understand that they need to see a doctor sooner rather than later, which is very important with asthma. If you recognize any of these symptoms, be sure you get checked right away.

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